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Washable Adult Diaper, Reusable Diaper Pants, Adult Care Pants,Washable Elderly 
MSRP: $39.98 -
- SoldWinning Bid: $1.00
- 1 Bid(s) View Bid History
702Auctions Las Vegas, NV US
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Lot Number
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Amazon ID
Lot # M908197
System ID # 106567978
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Description: Washable Adult Diaper, Reusable Diaper Pants, Adult Care Pants,Washable Elderly Cloth Diaper, Easy to Dry Cloth Diaper, Cotton Diaper Pants (Green)
MSRP: 39.98
Condition: NEW
Other info: Description (from Manufacturer): Product description Why are adult diapers used? Adult diapers can be used for a number of reasons. Primarily they are used for tackling bladder or bowel incontinence. Now what does incontinence mean? Incontinence in very simple terms is involuntary defecation or urination i.e., disposal of urine and faeces without self control. There can be a lot of reasons behind incontinence. The most common causes are old age, urinary tract infections and constipation. In case of the elderly, their pelvic muscles get weaker with age and hence incontinence is most common in older people. This is why adult diapers are mostly suggested to them. How to wear Adult Diapers? Here’s how: 1. Measure the waist and hip size of the user with a measuring tape. Choose a diaper that fits the user’s size. Ensure that you do not touch the inside of the diaper in order to avoid contamination. 2.Softly fold the towel lengthwise and insert it in the diaper. Make the user lie sideways if they can’t wear it on their own and help them spread their legs a little in order to pass the diaper between their thighs from front to back, or if the user wants to wear it with no help, they should pass the diaper between their thighs from front to back by standing and spreading their legs a little.1. Now, adjust it properly and ensure diaper is parallel to the spine. Fasten the button at comfortable size. 1. Now, adjust the leak guards and the diaper’s edges in order to make it comfortable and avoid leakage. Diaper Size Sheet: S: 65-70cm / 25.6-27.6inch M: 70 -80cm / 25.6-31.5inch L: 80-100 cm / 31.5-39.4inch XL: 90-110cm / 39.4-43.3inch XXL: 110-130cm / 43.3-51.1inch Package Contains: 1 x Adult Cloth Diaper 1x White towelFeatures: Comfortable & breathable: Comfortable, reusable, multiple washing hundreds of times, economical durability. Easy to use, super soft and comfortable and quick drying.,Waterproof: Waterproof outer TUP layer, it is protective underwear. 100% waterproof, high moisture absorption and no side leakage. It can protect the underwear from dirt.,The buttons at the waist and front of the diaper are easy to adjust. Rubber band is added on the back to make it more comfortable and fitting.,Scope: Suitable for seniors, disabled, pregnant women and other adults who have difficulty moving. Bring the parents convenience and comfort.,Satisfaction Guarantee: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.Keywords: Washable,Adult,Diaper,Reusable,Diaper,Pants,Adult,Care,Pants,Washable,Elderly,Cloth,Diaper,Easy,to,Dry,Cloth,Diaper,Cotton,Diaper,Pants,(Green)Categories: Health, Household & Baby Care, Baby Products, Diapering, Cloth Diapers & Accessories, Covers -- CATEGORIES: Health, Household & Baby Care,Baby Products,Diapering,Cloth Diapers & Accessories,Covers
Lot Number: 908197
Pickup Information: This item is available for LOCAL PICKUP ONLY. No shipping available.